16 Jan Email 40 Times More Effective than Social, Report Says
That’s the title of a humorous yet pithy article by Russell Working who writes for ragan.com.
Now that I’ve made it clear on where I stand on the email vs. social debate, I have all kinds of friends and colleagues sending me articles they find online on the subject. One such article was sent to me by a colleague here on the West Coast. In his article, Russell Working quotes a McKinsey study with some great email usage data, and good insights for people who use email to find and develop new customers.
The McKinsey study says:
“E-mail remains a significantly more effective way to acquire customers than social media—nearly 40 times that of Facebook and Twitter combined (exhibit). That’s because 91 percent of all US consumers still use e-mail daily, and the rate at which e-mails prompt purchases is not only estimated to be at least three times that of social media, but the average order value is also 17 percent higher.”
There is a great graph in the McKinsey study that shows that email’s advantage has only been growing over the past few years, not declining as some people in Silicon Valley would like us to believe. So, the message is, you can’t get all caught up in the social hype.
Still, McKinsey points out that marketers need to make investments in social to engage consumers. However, marketers should not be too hasty to shift their marketing dollars from email to social.
The links to the both articles is below.
See something on the Email vs. Social debate? Send it to me: [email protected]
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